Amino Egg Boost contains all nutrients for Eggshell quality. Calcium, phosphorus, Vitamin D and Vitamin B12 for overcomes problems of thin shelled egg and leathery egg. Reduces the incidence of shell fracture with hair line cracks. Controls uneven and rough eggshell.
Amino Egg Boost contains all nutrients for Eggshell quality. Calcium, phosphorus, Vitamin D and Vitamin B12 for overcomes problems of thin shelled egg and leathery egg. Reduces the incidence of shell fracture with hair line cracks. Controls uneven and rough eggshell.
Breeders and Layers: 1ml/2Ltr of drinking water for 10 days
Pre Condition
Amino Egg Boost contains all nutrients for Eggshell quality. Calcium, phosphorus, Vitamin D and Vitamin B12 for overcomes problems of thin shelled egg and leathery egg.