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Size available 1Kg, 500Gr
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Seed Coating

Malaxym is grain dust with excellent control of larger grain borers, and weevils in stored grain. (Lesser Grain Borer Grain Weevil Agoumois Grain Moth Red Flour Beetle Dried Bean Beetle Larger Grain Borer)

Product Infomation

Malaxym is grain dust with excellent control of larger grain borers, and weevils in stored grain. (Lesser Grain Borer Grain Weevil Agoumois Grain Moth Red Flour Beetle Dried Bean Beetle Larger Grain Borer)

Product pre Cautions

  • Ensure the maize is well dried.
  • Shelling can be done manually or mechanically
  • Dust the granary/store before placing the treated bags or grain.
  • Repeat treatment after six months



Sprinkle Malaxym after every layer of 30-40cm (approximately 50gm of Malaxym Dust for every two bags of cob maize).

Shelled Grain (Maize, beans, etc.)

Dust at the rate of 50gm /bag (90kg) and mix thoroughly using a shovel on canvas. Dust the outside of the 90kg bags after filling to stem back re-infestation. The container is marked in 50g graduations for ease of use


Malathion 2.0% W/W + Permethrin 0.3% W/W