Amino Egg Boost

Animal product

Available in 1L & 100ml


Amino Egg Boost contains all nutrients for Eggshell quality. Calcium, phosphorus, Vitamin D and Vitamin B12 for overcomes problems of thin shelled egg and leathery egg. Reduces the incidence of shell fracture with hair line cracks. Controls uneven and rough eggshell. • Higher peak egg production level. • Maintenance of high production level throughout the laying period. • Increased egg production when there is a drop in performance caused by stress situations. • Reduced mortality throughout the laying period. • Increased feed conversion efficiency. • Improves their egg production by balancing their feed. • Egg Boost is a calcium-fortified grain diet formulated specifically to support egg production in layers.

Pre Condition

• Storage in a dark & dry place below 300c • Keep away from children


Breeders and Layers: 1ml/2Ltr of drinking water for 10 days